Spiritual Songs

Here Sri Chinmoy freely expresses the deepest source from which his songs flow: his love of God. They are so universal in their language, so free of a particular theology, we hope they will inspire people of all faiths. In the Spiritual Journey section, Sri Chinmoy identifies with his meditation students and with seekers all over the world in the various stages of their spiritual journey — beginning with the heartfelt cry of “Don’t Withdraw!”, the seeker’s desperate yearning for God’s presence.

These songs reflect a very real, very vivid relationship with a personal God and invite singers of any religion or none to discover the joys of God as Father, Friend, and Beloved. In his English songs, Sri Chinmoy refers to God as He, adapting to his Western audiences. When composing in his native Bengali, he sings hymns to the Divine Mother whom he worshipped from childhood.

Spiritual Qualities

The Spiritual Journey

Love of God