About the Composer

Sri Chinmoy


offered meditations for world peace at the United Nations for nearly 40 years. He was a poet, artist, musician and composer, seeking to convey universal spiritual truths through his creative outpourings.

He traveled the globe, offering hundreds of free Peace Concerts and meeting with world leaders. He developed special friendships with President Mikhail Gorbachev, Saint Mother Teresa, President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

For more information kindly visit srichinmoy.org.

About the Book

Humanity has used music since time immemorial for celebrations, for community, for worship; in our modern world, most people listen to music by professional musicians rather than making their own music. This book encourages everyone, regardless of musical ability, to experience the power of singing and chants.

It provides guidance for singers, musicians and composers with meditation techniques and practical answers to questions. Techniques include listening to music with the heart, how to sweeten the voice, overcoming stage fright, how the audience can become silent participants in creating a concert.

Sri Chinmoy offered inspiration to musicians including Leonard Bernstein, Ravi Shankar, Roberta Flack, Pablo Casals, and Mahavishnu John McLaughlin.

The Inner Power of Sound: Music, Mantra and Meditation

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Golden Shore Publishing House
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