Songs in the first six sections are purely secular, in deference to schools that wish to avoid mentioning religion (in the US and some European countries). “Songs for Children” are ones we’ve found to be especially popular with kids. Which songs do your kids like? We’d like to hear from you!

You can view or download the sheet music for each song, however most songs are easy enough to learn by ear. The sheet music is included primarily for music teachers and musicians inspired to make their own arrangements. Any measure bars and repeats can be ignored; the subtle rhythms, influenced by Indian music, seem complex in the sheet music but are simple enough, even catchy, when learned by ear. The melodies are easy enough as well; please do not by daunted by all those flats! Listen to the recordings before you look at the sheet music and you will hear how simple the tunes are.

Terms of Use

These songs have a Creative Commons license allowing you to use them and repost them for noncommercial purposes so long as you attribute them to the composer and do not alter them (more details here). Kindly contact us if you record or perform them as it will help to inspire others.

When copying single songs kindly keep the attribution line at the top (Words and Music by Sri Chinmoy). Otherwise they may get further copied and spread around without the attribution. We’ve seen a beautiful line from Sri Chinmoy’s poetry appear on bumper stickers attributed to Jimi Hendrix!

Special thanks to the musical groups who made these recordings at their free concerts throughout Europe, including Agnikana's Group, Arthada and Friends, Blue Flower, Mangala’s Group, Mountain-Silence, and Oneness-Dream.