Chants & Mantras

This section begins with Sri Chinmoy chanting Aum in his resonant voice. (Aum is a sacred sound in Hinduism, representing the sound that arose from silence in the creation of the universe.) Many people listen to this recording for meditation or chant along with it.

The songs in this section are taken from some of the world’s great religions. Shanti means ‘peace’ in Sanskrit and has become almost a universal chant for peace thanks to its widespread use in yoga classes. Aum Arhum is a Jain chant set to music by Sri Chinmoy. Its simple, haunting melody could also be used with the words ‘Shalom, Shalom’ or ‘Salaam, Salaam’ (both meaning ‘peace’) for Judaism or Islam.

Buddham Saranam Gachhami is a Buddhist mantra, and “When I Go the Lord Buddha” is Sri Chinmoy’s poetic translation.

In “Not My Will” he has set to music Christ’s mantric utterance, which he considers the greatest prayer of all time. “The Fruit of Prayer” is the mantric poem of Sri Chinmoy’s dear friend, Saint Mother Teresa.